WELCOME Dear Companion,
Join us in this JOURNEY of being embodied NATURALLY!
Given innumerable stresses facing so many of us day to day….
Moving with nature nurtures us;
guiding us home to what’s truly magic and meaningful
in our lives and relationships.
Dancing outdoors is a way to cut loose-
easily done solo or with others.
Dancing with nature connects you with the elements
of landscapes you travel, inside and out.
We can dance in yard or garden, on an empty street
or even on your doorstep looking up at the sky.
This way of dance inspires our creativity and artfulness.
We celebrate natural rhythms, colors, textures and sensations inside and out, while we let ourselves drop into a dance of all creation!
NatureMoves is devoted to THIS way of BEING–dancing, living and creating –with NATURE.

“Just as the ancients danced to call upon the spirits in nature, we too, can dance to find the spirit within ourselves that may have long been buried and forgotten.”- Anna Halprin – Co-Founder of Life/Art Process and Tamalpa Institute
“You contain all the material and intelligence of the Universe.
Your hands and those of the Universe are one, keep dancing freely!”
Kazuo Ohno – Japanese Butoh Dance Founder, of Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio
“Our body is the Earth… Dance and movement are central and essential to what it means to be human…Rather than seeking control over the places we inhabit, we develop practices for deeply attending (to them).”
Andrea Olsen – Author and creator of Body and Earth